10 things to do in Alaska
Here are the 10 things on our bucket list for Alaska.
You could probably spend a lifetime in Alaska and not see everything. There is lots of great advice on Trip Advisor. A favorite travel blog of ours is “Gone with the Wynns” and they’re planning to go to Alaska this summer and will have some great tips to share. We are really looking forward to the drive to Alaska. We plan on leaving from Edmonton and can’t wait to see all the mountains.
1. Visit Denali National Park (Great tips on TripAdvisor)
2. Go to Fairbanks
3. Visit Homer
4. Do a few Senic Drives ( This
5. Kayak on a lake
6. Swim in hot springs
7. See the Northern Lights
8. Take a photo of the sunset over a lake
9. Catch a fish
10. Find some snow
We will continue to update this list.. stay tuned!