Animal Spotting on the drive to Alaska
Ahhh, we start the very long drive to Alaska! We started this on July 1st which was Canada Day. Kinda nice being in Canada on this day to celebrate! We woke up early, hit the road but we had some major issues with our breaks. We pulled over in a little town and randomly met this mechanic who helped us get sorted! So nice of him to help us out, for free, on a public holiday! Talk about restoring faith in humanity.
We spotted a baby moose! First one so far, but I’m not sure if I’d count it, because there were no antlers. If I’m going to say I’ve seen a moose, it needs to have big freaking antlers okay!
We also spotted a cute baby black bear cub. He was so fluffy! I was very tempted to run out and hug him, but apparently, like, that’s not a thing here. Insert sad face.
First day driving wasn’t too bad!